Feeling Your Body: Spiritual Embodiment Meditation

The body is a device to calculate
the astronomy of the spirit.” ~Rumi

I love this line by Rumi because it shows the inherent connection between our body and our spirit. It isn’t enough to know the significance of this connection in the head, but it’s important to feel it in the body—spiritual embodiment

When you are connected to your body, your focus is better, your intuition comes through more clearly and you have more energy. You can also more easily access your feminine energy, your Shakti.

 Breath + Awareness = Feeling the body

Your breath and awareness helps you cultivate the body-spirit connection. Consciously breathing is your portal to the body.

Deliberate breathing facilitates tuning in to your state of being because it calms the mind’s chatters by giving it a task, a point of focus; it asks the mind to gather information from your emotions, physical condition, energy, and input from your senses. 

Awareness combined with breath heightens your sense of the body and gives you a sense of groundedness.  It brings attention to what’s present in your physical, emotional or energetic state. 

With practice, you will become better at accessing your connection to your body and its needs.

You’ll be less prone to comply to other people’s pressure and demands. You’ll know when you’re risking getting sick by pushing your body too far or eating junk foods that drain your energy. You’ll become more in tune with your intuition and feelings. You’ll feel grounded in your body and in the Great Mother–Gaia.  You’ll be more empowered because you feel yourself.

To help you practice dropping into your body, I’ve created Awareness in My Body meditation for you to practice dropping into your body and your womb space. It’s a first and important step for feeling your body and then accessing your feminine flow.

If you like the mediation or would like more meditations, please leave me feedback and let me know.

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Posted in Empowerment, Health, Self Growth, Spirituality and tagged , , , , , , , .

Rim Zahra, Ph.D. is the founder of Shakti Groovin' Women. Rim (pron. Hreem) is a Sacred Embodiment Educator who is passionate about helping women feel empowered and connected to their bodies, minds and souls. Rim is also certified in alternative healing modalities. including Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release and Visceral Manipulation.